Go Get Going

Note: In Go, any executable code belongs to the main package.

Hello world in go: 🚀

package main

func main(){
fmt.println("Hello world")

Go Statements: 🧾

  • Hitting the Enter key adds ";" to the end of the line implicitly (does not show up in the source code).

  • The left curly bracket { cannot come at the start of a line.

Go Variable Types: 🎶

  • Declaring (Creating) Variables:
    1. with var keyword followed by variable name and type ==syntax:
    var variableName type = value
    //**Note:** You always have to specify either `type` or `value` (or both).

2. with `:=`

🧑‍💻 variableName := value

  • with := compiler decides the type of the variable at runtime

  • not possible to declare variable using := without assining value to it

  • Declare Multiple var in single line: ⬇️
package main  
import ("fmt")

func main(){
    var a,b,c int = 1,2,3 //**Note:** If you use the `type` keyword, it is only possible to declare **one type** of variable per line.
    var x, y = 6, "Hello"  
  e, d := 7, "World!"

  • Declare in a block : ⬇️
package main
import ("fmt")

func main(){
    var (
        a int
        b int = 1
        c string = "hello world"

Go Variable Naming Rules: 📏📐

  • variable cannot start with a number

    var 3age

  • only alpha-numeric characters and underscores

    ✅ *(a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and _ ) are allowed

  • variable name cannot have spaces

    var na me := "foo"

  • variable name cannot be any Go keywords